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Wellbeing – the state of being comfortable, healthy or happy

Here at Moorlands, positive mental health and wellbeing continues to be high on our agenda not only for every child but for the wider school community. All staff play a fundamental role in the wellbeing of pupils and their families.

We have a ‘Wellbeing Team’ of staff, who are always looking for new ways to support pupils and adults within school. The team work with the wider staff team to ensure appropriate support is put in place quickly and effectively.

Things that can help keep children and young people mentally well include:

  • being in good physical health, eating a balanced diet and getting regular exercise
  • having time and the freedom to play, indoors and outdoors
  • being part of a family that gets along well most of the time
  • going to a school that looks after the wellbeing of all its pupils
  • taking part in local activities for young people.

Other factors are also important, including:

  • feeling loved, trusted, understood, valued and safe
  • being interested in life and having opportunities to enjoy themselves
  • being hopeful and optimistic
  • being able to learn and having opportunities to succeed
  • accepting who they are and recognising what they are good at
  • having a sense of belonging in their family, school and community
  • feeling they have some control over their own life
  • having the strength to cope when something is wrong (resilience) and the ability to solve problems.

Most children grow up mentally healthy, but surveys suggest that more children and young people have problems with their mental health today than 30 years ago. 

Five simple ways to improve our overall wellness and to model good wellbeing to our children are:

  • Connect – talk and listen to others and always live in the moment.
  • Be active – do what you can and enjoy what you do.
  • Take notice – remember the simple things that give you joy.
  • Keep learning – embrace new experiences and seek new opportunities.
  • Give – give people your time, your words and your presence.

“Wellness is the complete integration of body, mind and spirit. The realisation that everything we do, think, feel and believe has an effect on our wellbeing” Greg Anderson

Young Carers

At Moorlands Schools Federation we are committed to the wellbeing of all our children and as part of this we are currently working internally and with BANES Young Carers Service to identify and access support for the children who fall into the category of young carer.  In meeting the needs of young carers, we are seeking to support them so they can attend and enjoy school in the same way as other pupils and be given every chance and opportunity to fulfil their potential. Liz Hebditch is our Designated SLT Young Carers Lead and Zoe Thompson is our designated Young Carers School Operational Lead, with responsibility for young carers sessions and communication with their families.

What is a young carer?
A young carer is a person under 18 who provides, or intends to provide, care for another person who is ill, disabled, has a mental health condition, or addiction problem. Young carers may do extra jobs in and around the home, such as cooking, cleaning or helping someone get dressed and move around. Along with doing things to help relatives, young carers may be giving emotional support, too. If a sibling is ill or disabled, young carers may not be able to access the same opportunities as children who do not have a caring responsibilities, such as play dates or extra-curricular activities.

Signs a young carer may need support:

  • Withdrawn/distracted
  • Tired
  • Lacking social skills
  • Having behavioural issues
  • Being bullied
  • No interest in clubs or extra-curricular activities

This is not an exhaustive list, and children may benefit from extra support regardless of whether they fall into any of these categories.

As a school we offer 1:1 check-in sessions and lunchtime clubs for young carers.  We can also make referrals to BANES Young Carers to help families access support outside of school. If you believe your child is a young carer and we are not yet aware, or if you would like any further information, please do get in touch by emailing Zoë Newbery –

Further information:

If you would like to read more about young carers and the support and services available please take a look at the following websites.